Sun Damage


What Does Uv Radiation Do?

Chronic ultraviolet exposure can lead to many unwanted conditions, such as sunspots and seborrheic keratosis, increased wrinkles, and last but not least, pre-cancers and skin cancers. It is important to wear sunscreen year round, especially if you have fair skin and light eyes.

What Are Some Signs That I Have Sun Damage?

Sun spots, or solar lentigos, are related to the amount of ultraviolent radiation exposed over a period of time. Over time, they may progress to become seborrheic keratoses; warty stuck on looking bumps. The amount on our face, hands, and back can be diminished by minimizing the amount of sunlight we are exposed to early on, though genetics may sometimes play a strong role as well. Medications, antioxidants, and cosmetic procedures can be employed to help improve your skin tone.

That Doesn’t Sound Too Bad. Why Do They Say Uv Radiation Is Harmful?

Over time, large amounts of UV exposure can result in mutations in our skin cells, resulting in skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, or melanomas. One of the most common early markers of excessive UV exposure is what we call actinic keratosis, also frequently referred to as “precancers”. Though the chance of each individual pre-cancer developing into a skin cancer is small, the more lesions someone has and the longer that they are there, there is a cumulative increase in the chance that one will become a skin cancer. There are many different methods of treatment, including field treatment, where all the lesions (including the ones we can’t see or feel) are treated. Speak to your dermatologist on how best to treat your lesions!

Are My Wrinkles Caused By Sun Damage?

When it comes to wrinkles, there are multiple factors at play. Loss of hydration, collagen and elastin, and genetics are the major players. Lifestyle choices, such as sun exposure, smoking, alcohol use, diet, and stress can cause premature onset of these signs of aging. Antioxidants, adequate hydration and nutrition, and strict sun protection can all help in slowing down the process.

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