

What Causes Infections And How Do I Find Out?

Fungi, bacteria, or viruses can cause infections. Larger organisms, such as mites, may infest the skin without causing systemic symptoms. An accurate diagnosis, through various testing methods, can help pinpoint the cause and help guide treatment in uncertain cases. Because a test may take time to obtain a result, your dermatologist may frequently start treatment to minimize prolonging your condition while waiting for the results, and change course only if needed.

What Are Some Examples Of Bacterial Infections?

Bacteria are usually single-celled organisms that release various toxins and create inflammation when introduced into living organisms. Some examples of common bacterial infections of the skin are furuncles, abscesses, erysipelas,cellulitis, and some forms of folliculitis. Treatments for these conditions range from antiseptic washes, topical or oral antibiotics, to physical drainage or removal of the infection.

What Are Some Examples Of Viral Infections?

Viruses are essentially little shells of DNA or RNA that are able to infiltrate individual cells, creating distortions in their appearance and causing a wide range of clinical presentations, such as the chicken pox (aka. Varicella),shingles, herpes simplex, warts, molluscum, and some rashes. Treatments may require antiviral medications such as valacylovir or physical removal. Many cases may resolve on their own naturally without intervention.

What Is An Example Of A Fungal Infection?

Fungus is the cause of true ringworm, aka tinea, and commonly some nail infections. It’s commonly seen in moist areas such as the feet and groin, and can be transmitted to other areas as well. Usually topical antifungals are sufficient, however maintenance is sometimes required and reinfection is common

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